written 6.5 years ago by
★ 6.7k
modified 6.4 years ago
CSS 3 Transformations
- CSS 3 transformations are a way of transforming a standard HTML element in two or three dimensional space.
- CSS transforms allow to translate, rotate, scale, and skew elements.
- A transformation is an effect that lets an element change shape, size and position.
- CSS Transitions which are used to smoothly animate an element between two states where as transformation molds an item by moving, stretching or squeezing its co-ordinates.
- To apply transformation effect, CSS uses transform property. The possible values of the transform property are as follows:
- transform – Applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. The possible values of this property are matrix, rotate, scale, scaleX, scaleY, skew, skewX, skewY, translate, translateX and translateY.
- transform-origin – Allows to change the position on transformed elements. The possible values of this property are left, right, center, bottom, top and 50%50%.
- transform-style – Specifies whether the transformation will apply in 2D or 3D on an element. The possible values of this property are flat and perspective 3D.
- perspective – Shows an element from different angles and perspectives.
- perspective-origin – Specifies the origin of the perspective for an element. The possible values of this property are left, right, center, bottom, top, <percentage> and 50%50%.
- backface-visibility – Specifies whether or not the back side of an element is visible. The possible value of this property are visible and hidden.
Example: Following example shows the Rotation and Skew Transformation effects in CSS 3.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Transformation Effects</title>
div.a {
width: 150px;
height: 80px;
background-color: yellow;
transform: rotate(45deg);
div.b {
width: 150px;
height: 80px;
background-color: yellow;
transform: skewY(20deg);
<h1>The Transformation Effects</h1>
<h3>Transform: rotate(45 deg):</h3><br><br>
<div class="a">Rotation Transform</div><br><br>
<h3>Transform: skewY(20 deg):</h3><br><br>
<div class="b">Skew Transform</div>