What is bearing of line? Explain different type of bearing?
1 Answer

The horizontal angle made by a survey line with reference to magnetic north pole in a clockwise direction is called as bearing of line.

Type of bearing –

1) Whole circle bearing (W.C.B)

2) Reduced bearing (Quardrantal bearing)

1) Whole circle bearing (W.C.B) – the magnetic bearing of a line measured clockwise from the North Pole toward the line is called as Whole circle bearing (W.C.B). Such a bearing may have any value in between 0$^\circ$ and 360$^\circ$.


WCB of AB=$\theta_1$

WCB of AC=$\theta_2$

WCB of AD=$\theta_3$

WCB of AE=$\theta_4$

enter image description here $$Fig.\ W.C.B\ and\ R.B$$

2) Reduced bearing (Quardrantal bearing) – the magnetic bearing of a line measured clockwise or counterclockwise from the north pole or south pole(whichever is nearer the line) toward the east or west is known as Reduced bearing (Quardrantal bearing). System consists of four quadrants.


QB of AB = N$\theta_1$E

QB of AC = N$\theta_2$E

QB of AD = N$\theta_3$E

QB of AE = N$\theta_4$E

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