Explain BOD/COD ratio.
1 Answer
  1. BOD is oxygen demand for oxidation of organic matter by micro organism.
  2. COD is oxygen demand for oxidation of organic and non biodegradable organic matter.
  3. COD is always greater than BOD hence the ratio will be always greater than 1.
  4. If BOD/COD is 0.92 to 1, waste water is fully biodegradable.
  5. If BOD/COD > 0.63, difficult to biodegardable.
  6. BOD can be reduced to the permissible level but COD cannot be reduced easily to the permissible level.
  7. COD can be determined within 3 hours while it requires 5 days for BOD.
  8. In domestic waste the ratio between BOD/COD is 1:2.
  9. The COD/BOD ratio is useful for assessing the amount of sewage available for biological treatment.
  10. COD test determine the strength of waste material, which BOD test cannot determine.
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