Design a Driverless car system. Show hardware block diagram, system working model (FSM), software Architecture module/ function/ drivers and their relationship, list of components.
1 Answer

Hardware Block Diagram

Model Design

Software Design

List Of components, requirements and description:

1. Inputs-

Present alignment of radar (or laser) beam emitter. Throttle position from stepper motor position sensor. Speed from a speedometer. Brake status for brake activities from brake Switch and pedal.

2. Outputs-

Transmitted pulses at regular intervals


Flashed messages

Range and speed messages for other cars.

3. Control panel- Switch and Display.

i) System will take over the speed of the car.

ii) Current control controls the throttle position.

iii) The algorithm calculates and sends signals to stepper motor at the vacuum valve actuator.

iv) The orifice opening of vacuum valve controls throttle valve. Valve is electro- pneumatic.

v) Radar or laser beam emits signals at regular intervals which are reflected from vehicle in the front.

vi) When the reflected signal is received earlier than expected it notifies presence of another vehicle to the system.

  • Port_Align: It is Stepper Motor port. Motor steps up clockwise and anticlockwise on a signal from task_Align. Motor aligns the radar transmitting device in lane of front_end car.

  • Port_Read range: It is a front_end car range-measuring port. Time difference deltaT is read on a signal. Radar emits signal through antenna.

  • Port_Speed: The port control function routine enables free running counter overflow interrupt.

  • Port_Brake: It applies brakes or emergency brakes on an interrupt signal.

4. Components:

i) Microcontroller

ii) Processor with RAM and ROM

iii) Speedometer

iv) Stepper motor- based alignment unit

v) Stepper motor- based throttle control unit

vi) Trans receiver

vii) LCD

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