HD 44780 controlled LCD are simple and inexpensive, many embedded applications require the display of both graphics and text.
For a project requiring LCD graphics, integrated system that includes graphics controller can be used.
The parameters to be considered are size, number of x-y pixels, colors, contrast, brightness and power.
The display systems include touch panel.
Interface board includes a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) which handles graphical functions in background.
GPU a similar to a CPU, in executing instructions, except that it performs many functions through graphics.
RAM contains 1, 2 or 3 buffers and each buffer contains a mixture of graphics and text elements to draw on the display. The flash memory can hold GPU programs.
The GPU coordinates the transfer of data from the front buffer to the display with interfacing with master controller.
Master microcontroller communicates with graphics system using RS 232 serial communication.
Manufacturers producing LCD often produce integrated graphic controllers.