Explain various scheduling mechanisms.
1 Answer

i) Earliest Deadline First (EDF) algorithm:

  • It is a dynamic algorithm.
  • Task priority changes depending upon deadline.
  • There is a slight processor overhead.
  • This algorithm has highest possibility of meeting deadlines.
  • It has moderate content switching.
  • Starvation of tasks is possible.

ii) Least Slack Time First (LSF) algorithm:

  • The formula for slack time is Slack time = |deadline – current time - remaining time|
  • It a dynamic priority algorithm.
  • There is more processor overhead.
  • In this algorithm there is less probability of missing a deadline.
  • There is a moderate content switching.
  • Starvation of tasks is possible.

iii) Rate Monotonic algorithm/ Shortest Job First:

  • It is a dynamic scheduling algorithm.
  • It schedules the task whose remaining time to execute is least.
  • There is a slight processor overhead.
  • This algorithm may miss deadlines.
  • There is a moderate content switching.
  • There is less starvation of tasks.

iv) Real time Static Priority Dynamic Scheduling

  • Priority of task is static and does not change once decided.
  • The algorithm is dynamic i.e. incoming task can be added in between ready list depending upon task priority.
  • There is no or less processor overhead.
  • It may miss deadline.
  • There is more content switching.
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