Explain the Embedded programming tools.
1 Answer

i) Integrated Development Environment (IDE):

  • Toolkit to write and execute a program
  • Turbo C IDE for C programming

ii) Editor: it is used to type and edit programs

iii) Preprocessor:

  • It is responsible for performing certain operations before compiling, like including header files and declaring constant.
  • It always begins with a ‘#’ sign.
  • Example:

#include <stdio.h>

#define pi 3.14;

  • They are also called as pre-processor directives.

iv) Compiler: A compiler converts C program into machine language as the processor cannot understand C language. Therefore it is needed to convert into machine understandable language.

v) Cross-compiler:

  • It a type of compiler that is capable of creating executable code for a platform other than the one on which it is running.
  • Example: Compiler that runs in Windows7 PC bu generates a code that runs on android smart phone.

vi) Linker:

  • The linker links different functions in the program.
  • It provides links to the libraries needed for an executable program.
  • The linker takes one or more files, combines them into single executable file.

vii) Loader: The binary file or the executable file generated by compiler is loaded by loader for execution.

viii) In-circuit emulator:

  • It is a hardware device used to debug the software of embedded system.
  • It operates by using a processor with the additional ability to support debugging operations as well as to carry out main function of the system.
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