Explain the Register Structure of cortex M3. Also give the Functions Of various special registers.
1 Answer

It has a 32 bit register, of which 13 are general purpose registers (r0-r12), SP (r13), link register (r14), program counter (r15), program status register (xPSR).

Register Structure Register Structure

i) SP- stack pointer - There are two stack pointers. They are banked only one is visible at a time.

  • MSP- main stack pointer: It is a default stack pointer.
  • PSP- process stack pointer: It is used by user application code.

ii) LR- link register - When a subroutine is called, the return address is stored in link register.

iii) PC- program counter - It stores the current program address.

Special Registers of Cortex M3 -

a) xPSR- Program Status Register : It has three different categories, Application PSR, Interrupt PSR and Execution PSR.

  • APSR- Application Program Status Register: contains condition flags

APS register

  • IPSR- Interrupt Program Status Register: contains ISR number of current process
  • EPSR- Execution Program Status Register: for execution.

b) Interrupt mask registers:

  • PRIMASK- disables all interrupts except NMI and hard faults.

  • FAULT MASK- disables all interrupt except NMI

  • BASEPRI- disables all interrupts of specific priority or low priority.

c) Control registers:

  • CONTROL- defines privilege status and SP selection.
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