Compare the MSP 430 architecture with cortex M3 architecture.
1 Answer
  • MSP 430 he is an older chip, which is best used for projects when low power consumption is required, and developers/ manufacturers have experience or inventory of the part. Cortex M0 he is ARM line most closely compared to MSP 430.
  • Cortex M3 is powerful part with higher clock speeds for lower price.
  • MSP 430 do not have DMA and using DMA consumes processor operations which is computationally costly.
  • Cortex M3 is available with wider features, peripherals and form factors. Switching Manufacturers or cores are quite easy, because of code compatibility between ARM parts.
  • MSP 430 is a 16 bit processor whereas cortex M3 is 32 bit processor.
  • MSP 430 is targeted for embedded applications. Cortex M3 is used in embedded application where Wi-Fi connection is required.
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