written 8.7 years ago by |
Steps in design process –
● Requirements : What is there and what is wanted
● Analysis : Ordering and understanding
● Design: What to do and how to decide
● Iteration and prototyping : Getting it right and finding what is really needed
● Implementation and deployment : Making it and getting it out there
User Focus:.
Know your user
i. Who are they? (Young/old/experienced/new)
ii. Talk to them
- Structured interviews (job/life)
Open ended discussions
iii. Watch them
- How they spend day?
- What they do?
- What they are using?
What they say?
iv. Use your imagination
Many users cannot be involved throughout the design.
- Persona
- Description of an example user - Not necessarily a real person
- Use as surrogate user-What would they think?
- Details matter-Makes the example user real
Information Collection Techniques
i. Direct Methods
- Individual face-to-face interview
- Telephone interview or survey
- Traditional focus group
- Facilitated team workshop
- Observational field study
- Requirements prototyping
- User-interface prototyping
- Usability laboratory testing
Card sorting for websites
ii. Indirect Methods:
- Use intermediary between developer and user. Intermediary may be electronic or another person.
- MIS intermediary
- Paper survey or questionnaire
- Electronic survey or questionnaire
- Electronic focus group
- Marketing and sales
- Support line
- Email or bulletin board
- User group
- Competitor analysis
- Trade show
- Other media analysis
- System testing
i. Scenarios are stories for design to communicate with others, validate other models, and understand dynamics.
ii. Linearity
Time is linear
Don’t show alternatives
iii. What will the users want to do?
iv. Step-by-step walkthrough
- what can they see
- what do they do
- what are they thinking
v. Use and reuse throughout design
Explore the depths:
i. Explore interaction-What happens when?
ii. Explore cognition-What are the users thinking?
iii. Explore architecture -What is happening inside?
Use scenarios to:
i. Communicate with others
- Designers, clients, users
ii. Validate other models
- ‘Play’ it against other models
iii. Express dynamics
Screenshots – appearance
Scenario – behaviour
Four Golden Rules:
i. Knowing where you are
- State of system – e.g. Downloading now..
ii. Knowing what you can do
- Which text is clickable
iii. Knowing where you are going
- or what will happen- X-Enter, X-Exit, Icons
iv. Knowing where you’ve been
- or what you’ve done
i. Widget choice –How to use them..
- Menus, buttons etc.
ii. Screen design –
- Find things on screen, understand logical grouping of buttons...
iii. Application navigation design
- What will happen? When?
- Where you are in interaction
iv. Environment
- other apps, O/S