Explain Cascode stage, ssm, $r_o$

Subject: CMOS VLSI Design

Topic: Single Stage Amplifier

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

Cascode Stage

  • cascading of CS stage and CG stage is called "cascode" topology.

enter image description here

  • Small signal ac equivalent model:

enter image description here


$\therefore V_{out}=- R_D(gm_1\,V_1)$

$\therefore A_V=\frac{V_{out}}{V_{in}}=-R_D\,gm_1$

-> Expression for $R_O$
Important advantage of cascade is its high output impedance.
To calculate $R_O$, the cascade stage circuit will be modified as follows.

enter image description here

The above circuit can be viewed as common - source stage with degeneration resistor equal to $r_{o1}$.
$\therefore \, R_O=[1+(gm_2+gmb_2)r_{o2}]r_{o1}+r_{o2}$

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