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Role of Application Layer
- The Application Layer is the upper-most layer in the OSI & TCP/IP models.
- This layer manipulates the information so that any user can access the network very easily.
- This layer is the highest level of a system, which provides services directly for the application processes.
- This layer allows the user to use the services of the network, virtual terminals.
- Therefore this layer is also used to create network-based applications.
- This layer gives several user facilities such as user login, naming network devices, formatting messages, and e-mails, transfer of files, etc.
- This layer also handles errors and recovery of the message as a whole.
Main functionalities of Application Layer are as follows:
Mail services: An application layer enables the basic service of email forwarding and storage.
Directory services: An application can provide the distributed database sources and give global information access for several facilities, objects.
File Transfer, Access, and Management (FTAM): An application layer is responsible for users accessing the files on a remote computer, retrieving the files from a computer, and managing the files on a remote computer.
Application Layer provides several protocols that allow the software to send and receive information and present meaningful data to users.
Several Application Layer Protocol are as follows:
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Network File System (NFS)
Domain Name System (DNS)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Post Office Protocol (POP)
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
Let's see Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) in brief.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- SMTP is mainly used for sending emails efficiently and reliably over the internet.
- SMTP is a push protocol and uses TCP at the transport layer.
- SMTP uses persistent TCP connections, so it can send multiple emails at once.
- SMTP is a connection-oriented, stateless, and in-band protocol.
- SMTP uses port number 25.
- SMTP is a general set of interaction guidelines that allow the software to transmit electronic mail over the internet.
It set up communication rules between servers and allows the exchange of emails between the users on the same or different computers.
SMTP is a pure text-based protocol. It can only handle the messages containing 7 bit ASCII text and can not transfer other types of data like images, video, audio, etc.
- SMTP can not transfer executable files and binary objects.
- MIME extends the limited capabilities of email. It enables the users to send and receive graphics, audio files, video files, etc in the message.MIME was specially designed for SMTP.
- SMTP is a push protocol. It can not be used at the receiver’s side. At the receiver’s side, a pull protocol like POP3, IMAP is needed.
- Sender and receiver can not run SMTP between their machines at the same time. Because machines can not always be ON.
- Hence, the functionality has been divided between the client and the mail server. The mail server receives the mail on behalf of its client and manages the mailbox of the client.
- SMTP is not suitable for client authentication. SMTP does not require authentication. It allows anyone on the Internet to send emails to anyone or even to a large group of people.
- Sometimes SMTP Auth stands for SMTP Authentication has been provided for authentication purposes.