Using cumulative timing method along with rating factors, calculate the standard time if allowance is 12%. calculate the standa

A time study was conducted on a job consisting of three elements. Stop watch readings in hundredth of a minute are given. Using cumulative timing method along with rating factors, calculate the standard time if allowance is 12%.

Element Stop watch readings Rating
1 2 3 4 5
A 10 73 139 203 266 80
B 25 88 155 218 280 100
C 64 128 193 257 320 100
1 Answer

This stop watch readings are cumulative. The individual timings for elements are computed by subtracting proceeding reading from successive figure as shown in table below:

Example 25-10=15 for element B, 1st observation

Element Individual elemental timings Avg. time (min) Rating Normal time
1 2 3 4 5
A 10 09 11 10 09 0.098 80 0.0784
B 15 15 16 15 14 0.150 100 0.1500
C 39 40 38 39 40 0.392 110 0.4312

Standard time= 0.6596 (1+0.12) = 0.7387 minutes.

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