What are the characteristics of human voice? Discuss any three.
1 Answer

Human Voice: The human voice frequency is specifically a part of human sound production in which the vocal cords are the primary sound source. The human voice consists of sound made by a human being using the vocal tract, including talking, singing, laughing, crying, screaming, shouting, humming or yelling.

Different Characteristics of Human voice are as follows:-

  • Rhythm: Good rhythm is an essential part of a great voice. Rhythm is one of those details that we forget to talk about when we talk about the characteristics of a voice. Having a good rhythm makes a voice sound much better. Good rhythm basically means having a smooth flow that is neither too choppy nor too slow.

To develop a good rhythm, one should move their arm across their body in a smooth manner as they speak. They should focus on connecting their speaking with the flow of the movement. They should notice how their vowel sounds extend naturally. Also notice the full, rich sound they make as they concentrate on connecting.

  • Resonance: The quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating is termed as resonance. Voice sounds depends on a number of factors, but where person resonate their voice is one of the most important.

If person can resonate their voice in their throat, they will sound muffled, gravely–they might think of this as the bass. If anyone resonate their voice in their nasal passages, they will sound “nasally”. Ideally, anyone resonate their sound primarily in their mouth, balancing bass and treble. Just as they can adjust their sound system to add a little bass or a little treble, they can adjust their voice based on where they resonate their sound.

  • Voice Pitch:

Voice Pitch is the highness or lowness of a sound based on the frequency of the sound waves. Loudness is the perceived volume of the sound, while quality refers to the character or distinctive attributes of a sound. The first thing we notice in anyone's voice is how high or low-pitched it is. It is observed that deep voices tend to be more attractive to the ears of most people.

The differentiation between a low or a high voice is the pitch. Some of the factors that contribute to how a voice sounds include anatomy, the vibrations of the vocal cords, and positioning. Several studies have found that in general, women prefer lower-pitched men's voices to higher-pitched men's voices

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