Differentiate between WCDMA and CDMA 2000
1 Answer

Difference between CDMA 2000 and WCDMA

Sr. No. Parameters CDMA 2000 WCDMA
1 Basic Concept CDMA is an algorithm that brings in more channels in a specified bandwidth. WCDMA uses the basic technology of CDMA but incorporates it into GSM and EDGE.
2 Network Used in 2G Networks. Used in 3G Networks.
3 Carrier Spacing Spacing between CDMA operators to obtain channel protection 3.75 MHz. spacing between WCDMA operators to obtain channel protection 5 MHz.
4 Chip Rate Number of DSSS pulses per second are 3.68 MHz. Number of DSSS pulses per second is 4.096 MHz.
5 Speed Slower than WCDMA. Faster than CDMA.
6 GSM Act as a competitor to GSM. Work with GSM.
7 Base Stations Synchronization Base stations may require synchronous timings. Base stations do not require synchronous timings.
8 Frame Length The time duration of a frame between the beginning and end of the frame is 20 ms, also uses 5, 30, 40 ms frames. The time duration of a frame between beginning and end of the frame is 10 ms
9 Bandwidth 1.25 MHz. 5 MHz.
10 Power Control Frequency The output power of the transmitter is controlled by itself at the frequency of 800 Hz. The output power of the transmitter is controlled by itself at the frequency of 1500 Hz
11 Peak Data Rate 614 kbps. 2 Mbps.
12 Spreading Factor It is lower in CDMA. It is higher in WCDMA.
13 Forward Link Pilot CDM and Common Pilot used for channel modulation from the PN (Pseudo Noise) spreading codes TDM and Dedicated pilot used for channel modulation from the PN (Pseudo Noise) spreading codes
14 Antenna Beam Forming Auxiliary pilot used for directional signal transmission & reception. TDM and Dedicated pilot used for directional signal transmission & reception.
15 Overhead Low (because of the shared pilot, code Channel) High (because of non-shared, pilot code Channel)
16 Voice Coder Uses EVRC voice coder. Uses AMR voice coder.
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