What are analog and Digital Signals?
1 Answer


  • A signal is an electromagnetic or electrical current that is used for carrying data from one system or network to another.
  • it refers to any time-varying voltage that is an electromagnetic wave that carries information.
  • Analog Signal and Digital Signal are two types of signals that carry information.

Analog and Digital

Analog Signal

  • Analog signals are continuous electrical signals.
  • Its amplitude takes any value in a continuous range.
  • They are continuous in nature which varies with respect to time.
  • It is generally bound to a range of +12V to -12V, but there is an infinite number of values within that continuous range.
  • It can be either periodic or non-periodic.
  • It is Represented by sine waves
  • Analog signals use more power.
  • Analog hardware never offers flexible implementation.
  • It requires components like Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, and Diodes for analog circuits.
  • Analog instruments give considerable observational errors.
  • Processing can be done in real-time and consumes lesser bandwidth compared to a digital signal.
  • Analog signals are suited for audio and video transmission.
  • These signals are more prone to noise as they travel through the medium, these noises result in information loss in the signal.
  • Troubleshooting analog signals is difficult.
  • Analog to digital converter converts analog signal to digital signal by a process called Sampling and Quantization.
  • The use of analog signals has been declined with the arrival of digital signals.
  • Examples - Human voice, natural sound, analog electronic devices, Temperature sensors, FM radio signals, Photocells, Light sensors, Resistive touch screens are examples of Analog signals.

Digital Signal

  • Digital signals are non-continuous electrical signals.
  • Its amplitude takes only limited values.
  • They are discrete in nature with respect to value and time.
  • This signal contains only distinct values.
  • Digital signals carry binary data (0 or 1) in form of bits.
  • It can only contain one value at a period of time.
  • It consists of different voltage values, the minimum value is 0 volts whereas the maximum value is 5 volts.
  • It is represented by square waves.
  • Digital signals use less power.
  • Digital hardware offers flexibility in implementation.
  • It requires components like transistors, logic gates, and micro-controllers for digital circuits.
  • Digital instruments never cause any kind of observational errors.
  • It never gives a guarantee that digital signal processing can be performed in real-time.
  • Digital signals are suited for computing and digital electronics.
  • Digital signals are stable and less prone to noise compared to analog signals.
  • Troubleshooting of digital signals is easy.
  • Transmission of digital data in the analog channel is done by a process called Modulation.
  • Examples - Computers, optical drives, CDs, DVDs, Digital watches, Digital video signals, and other electronic devices.
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