written 6.7 years ago by | • modified 6.7 years ago |
A conflict point is the point at which a highway user crossing, merging with, or diverging from a road or driveway conflicts with another highway user using the same road or driveway. It is any point where the paths of two through or turning vehicles diverge, merge, or cross Conflict points are associated with increased levels of roadway accidents. A motorist can safely negotiate only so many conflict points within a given area. Studies have shown that when driveway access to arterial roadways is granted to too many property owners without considering future traffic volumes and roadway classifications, the extra driveways increase the rate of accidents and decrease the efficiency of the roadway. Although this does not appear to be a simple, direct relationship, reducing conflict points has been shown to significantly reduce the accident rate at case study locations
- By limiting the number of conflict points that a vehicle may experience in its travel
- By separating conflict points as much as possible (if they cannot be completely eliminated)
- By removing slower turning vehicles that require access to adjacent sites from the through traffic lanes as efficiently as possible