written 6.7 years ago by | • modified 5.3 years ago |
The O & D studies provide the basic data for determining the desired directions of vehicular flow or passenger trips in terms of the desire lines. O & D studies on vehicular traffic are essential either for comprehensive planning of new road network or for improvements in the existing road network.
Thus O & D studies are useful to
1) Plan the road network and other facilities for vehicular traffic
2) Plan routes and schedule of different modes of public transportation based on trip demand of the commuters.
1) To judge the adequacy of existing routes and to plan new network of roads
2) To establish design standards for the road, bridges and culverts along the route.
3) To locate expressway or major routes along the desire lines.
4) To locate new bridge as per traffic demands.
5) To locate terminal and to plan terminal facilities.
6) To locate intermediate stops of public transport.
1) Road-side interview method
2) License plate method
3) Return post card method
4) Home interview method.