written 7.0 years ago by | modified 2.9 years ago by |
Subject: Software Engineering
Topic: Requirements Engineering and Analysis Model
Difficulty: High
written 7.0 years ago by | modified 2.9 years ago by |
Subject: Software Engineering
Topic: Requirements Engineering and Analysis Model
Difficulty: High
written 6.8 years ago by |
In software engineering, modularity refers to the extent to which a software/Web application may be divided into smaller modules. Software modularity indicates that the number of application modules are capable of serving a specified business domain.
Modularity is successful because developers use pre-written code, which saves resources.Modern business issues grow on a continuous basis - in terms of size, complexity and demand. Enhanced software capability requirements force developers to enhance developed systems with new functionalities.
Software engineering modularity allows typical applications to be divided into modules, as well as integration with similar modules, which helps developers use p rewritten code. Modules are divided based on functionality, and programmers are not involved with the functionalities of other modules. Thus, new functionalities may be easily programmed in separate modules.
Information hiding for programmers is executed to prevent system design change. If design decisions are hidden, certain program code cannot be modified or changed. Information hiding is usually done for internally changeable code, which is sometimes especially designed not to be exposed. Such stored and derived data is not expounded upon, most generally. Change resilience of classes and ease of use by client objects are two byproducts of hidden data.