Explain the Component Base Model.

Subject: Software Engineering

Topic: Process Models

Difficulty: High

1 Answer

Component-based development (CBD) is a procedure that accentuates the design and development of computer-based systems with the help of reusable software components. With CBD, the focus shifts from software programming to software system composing.

Component-based development techniques involve procedures for developing software systems by choosing ideal off-the-shelf components and then assembling them using a well-defined software architecture. With the systematic reuse of coarse-grained components, CBD intends to deliver better quality and output.

Component-based development is also known as component-based software engineering (CBSE).

The key goals of CBD are as follows:

Save time and money when building large and complex systems: Developing complex software systems with the help of off-the-shelf components helps reduce software development time substantially. Function points or similar techniques can be used to verify the affordability of the existing method.

Enhance the software quality: The component quality is the key factor behind the enhancement of software quality. Detect defects within the systems:

The CBD strategy supports fault detection by testing the components; however, Some advantages of CBD include:

i) Minimized delivery: Search in component catalogs,Recycling of re fabricated components.

ii) Improved efficiency:Developers concentrate on application development

iii) Improved quality:

Component developers can permit additional time to ensure quality Minimized expenditures

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