Differentiate between symmetrical IGBT and asymmetrical IGBT
1 Answer
Symmetrical IGBT Asymmetrical IGBT
It is also called as nonpunch through IGBT It is also called as punch through IGBT
More rugged in short circuit failure mode. Less rugged in short circuit failure mode.
More thermally stable. Less thermally stable.
The IGBT have slower turn off The IGBT have faster turn off
Collector is lightly doped (P layer only). Collector is heavily doped (P+ layer).
The temperature coefficient of ON - state voltage is strongly positive. Small positive temperature coefficient of ON - state voltage.
So in this type of IGBT, the parallel operation is easy. Parallel operation requires greater care and attention.
These type of IGBTs are useful for AC circuits. These types of IGBTs are useful for DC circuits.
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