Describe different types of Secondary window.
1 Answer

i. Dialog Boxes

a. Dialog boxes are used to extended and complete an interaction within a limited context.

b. Dialog boxes are always displayed from another window either primary or secondary or another dialog box.

c. They may appear as a result of a command button being activated or a menu choice being selected or they may be presented automatically by the system when a condition exists that requires the user’s attention of additional input

ii. Property sheets and property inspectors:

a. Property sheets:

  • A property sheet is a modeless secondary window that displays the user accessible properties of an object
  • Properties that may be viewed but not necessarily edited.

b. Property inspectors:

  • Property inspector is used for displaying only the most common or frequently accessed objet properties.
  • Properties of an object are displayed by using a dynamic viewer or browser that reflects the properties of the current selection.
  • Property value in the selected object should be changed as soon as the user makes the change in the related property control.

iii. Message boxes:

a. Use for displaying a message about a particular situation or condition.

b. If a message requires no choice to be made but only acknowledge include an ok button and optically a help menu.

c. If the message requires the user to make a choice include a command button for each option.

d. Include OK and cancel buttons only when the user has the option of continuing or stopping the action.

e. Use yes and no buttons when the user must decide how to continue.

iv. Palette Window:

a. Palette window are modeless secondary window that present a set of controls.

b. Palette windows are distinguish by their visual appearance, a collection of images colors or palette.

c. The title bar for a palette window is shorter and includes only a close button.

v. Pop up window:

a. Additional information when an abbreviated for of the information is the main presentation.

b. Textual labels for graphical controls.

c. Context-sensitive help information.

d. They do not contain standard title bar and close button

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