A pentagonal pyramid of 30 mm side of base and axis 60 mm long is lying on one of its triangular face on the HP, so that top view of its axis is inclined at angle of $45^0$ to the VP.

A pentagonal pyramid of 30 mm side of base and axis 60 mm long is lying on one of its triangular face on the HP, so that top view of its axis is inclined at angle of $45^0$ to the VP. Draw its projections if apex is nearer to the observer.

1 Answer

Q. 9

Given Data

Pentagonal Pyramid

Edge of base = 30 mm

Axis length = 70mm Resting on HP on one base side It's axis in included at 45° to HP and parallel to vp draw the projection

Follow the procedure of Q. 8 and Q. 6 for projections.

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