The line AB 70 mm long has its end A is 10 mm HP and 20 mm in front of the VP. The line AB is inclined at $40^0$ to the HP and its front view is inclined at $65^0$ to XY line.

The line AB 70 mm long has its end A is 10 mm HP and 20 mm in front of the VP. The line AB is inclined at $40^0$ to the HP and its front view is inclined at $65^0$ to XY line. Draw the projections of line AB and find its inclination with VP.

1 Answer

Q. 7

Given Data:-

TL = a’b1’ = ab2 = 70 mm

a’ (↑) = 10 mm

a (→) = 20 mm

θ = 40°

α = 65°

Follow the procedure given below step by step to draw the projection of line –

  1. Draw XY line.

  2. Mark a’ and a at 10 mm above XY line and 20 mm below XY line respectively.

  3. Draw horizontal line (Locus of a’ and a) from a’ and a respectively.

  4. Draw a line of true length (TL) = 60 mm from point a’ at an angle of 40° (a’b1’).

  5. Through Point a1’ draw a horizontal line (locus of b’).

  6. From point at a’ draw a line inclined at 65°, which will cut the locus of b’. Mark that point b’.

  7. Join a’b’ (FV).

  8. Take the projection of b1’ into TV (Draw a vertical line from point b1’) which will cut the horizontal line passing through point a . Mark that point b1, ab1 is your plan length (PL).

  9. Take the projection of b’ into TV (Draw a vertical line from point b’).

  10. Taking a as centre and ab1 as radius draw an arc which will cut the locus of b, mark that point b. Join ab, that is your TV.

  11. Taking a as centre and ab1 as radius draw an arc which will cut the projection of b’, mark that point b.

  12. Join ab, (TV).

  13. Through Point b draw a horizontal line (locus of b).

  14. Taking a as centre and TL = 70 mm as radius cut the locus of b. Mark that point b2.

  15. Join ab2 (TL).

  16. Measure true inclinations Φ.

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