written 2.8 years ago by
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modified 2.8 years ago
Attribute Selection Measures
Information Gain
- The Information gain is used to select the splitting attribute in each node in the decision tree.
- It follows the method of entropy while aiming at reducing the level of entropy, starting from the root node to the leaf nodes.
- The attribute with the highest information gain is chosen as the splitting attribute for the current node.
- It is biased towards the multi-valued attribute.
- The information gained on attribute A is the mutual information that exists between the attribute Class and attribute A.
- It is defined as follows:
$$ Infromation\ Gain\ (A) = H(Class) - H(Class | A) $$
Gain Ratio
- It is an unbalanced split.
- In this one partition is much smaller than the other partition.
- The gain ratio on attribute A is the ratio of the information gained on A over the expected information of A, normalizing uncertainty across attributes.
- It is defined as follows:
$$ Gain\ Ratio\ (A) = \frac {H(Class) - H(Class | A)}{ H(A)} $$
Gini Index
- The Gini index measures uses binary split for each attribute.
- In this partitions are equal.
- The attribute with the minimum Gini index is selected as the splitting attribute.
- It is also biased toward the multi-valued attribute.
- It can not manage a large number of classes.
- The Gini function measures the impurity of an attribute with respect to classes.
- The impurity function is defined as:
$$ Gini\ (Class) = 1 - \sum p_i^2 $$
- The Gini index of A defined below, is the difference between the impurity of Class and the average impurity of A regarding the classes, representing a reduction of impurity over the choice of attribute A.
- The Gini index is defined as follows:
$$ Gini\ lndex\ (A) = Gini\ (Class) - \sum_{j = 0}^m P(c_j )\ Gini\ (A = c_j ) $$