Consider a binary data sequence 10101010. Draw the waveforms for the given binary data sequence, using unipolar RZ and split phase Manchester.
1 Answer

$$Binary\ Data\ Sequence - 10101010$$

Unipolar RZ

  • Unipolar RZ stands for Unipolar Return to Zero.
  • In this type of encoding, BIT– 0 is represented by a 0 Voltage line.
  • BIT – 1 is represented by Positive Voltages.
  • But, transition always occurs in the middle of the bit interval.
  • That means transition that starts at the POSITIVE side, makes the transition, and returns to the 0 Voltage side. (Z - Shape Pattern)

Waveform for the Binary Data Sequence 10101010 using the Unipolar RZ:

Uniolar RZ 10101010

Split Phase Manchester

  • Split Phase Manchester is nothing but Manchester encoding.
  • Manchester combines the logic of RZ and NRZ-L encoding techniques.
  • It is used by IEEE 802.5
  • BIT - 0 represents the transition that starts at the POSITIVE side, makes the transition, and returns to the NEGATIVE side. (Z - Shape Pattern)
  • BIT - 1 represents the transition that starts at the NEGATIVE side, makes the transition, and returns to the POSITIVE side. (Inverted Z - Shape Pattern)

Waveform for the Binary Data Sequence 10101010 using the Split Phase Manchester:

Split Phase Manchester 10101010

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