Find Power required to take cabin load and COP of the system.

A bootstrap cooling system of 35 T is required for an aircraft. Temperature and pressure of the atmosphere is 18 C and 0.75 bar. Pressure of air is increased 0.75 bar to 0.92 bar due to ramming. Pressure of air leaving the main compressor and auxiliary are 3.2 and 5.4 bar respectively. Isentropic efficiency of both compressors is 84% and of turbine is 81%. Heat removed from air leaving the compressors is 60% in the first heat exchanger and 34% in the second heat exchanger which is after auxiliary compressor. Assuming ramming to be isentropic and cabin pressure 1.03 bar, find Power required to take cabin load and COP of the system. Temperature of the air leaving the cabin is 28 C

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