Explain the factors by which user gets distract from the Computer System.
1 Answer
  • The user interface is the part of the computer system and its system that people can see, hear, touch, talk to or otherwise understand or direct.
  • Proper interface design will provide a mix of well-designed input and output mechanisms that satisfy the user’s needs, capabilities and limitations in the most effective way possible.
  • It is the window to view the capabilities of the system.
  • The screen layout affects a person in a variety of ways. If the design is confusing and inefficient people will have greater difficulty in doing their jobs thus leading to more mistakes and chasing them away from the system. It also leads to aggravation, frustration and increased stress.
  • The screen clarity and readability is very import for the user to stay focused and not get distracted from the computer screen.
  • The correct layout of data on screen increases performance.
  • The color of the interface also impacts the user interest in the system and thus keeps the user glued to the screen.
  • The moving side bars on the interface and the different images tend to distract the user from the main focus of the matter.
  • The various navigation of the system also causes the user to deviate from the system entirely.
  • The pages backgrounds are distracting. Having a different background for each subpage pulls the viewer’s attention away from the important information on the pages. Even worse, some of the backgrounds are animated and draw the user’s attention away from the content to the movements.
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