Compare LBM and EBM
1 Answer
Electron Beam Machining (EBM) Laser Beam Machining (LBM)
A high intensity beam of focused electrons is used
to supply heat for material removal.
A high intensity beam of laser (coherent photons)
is used to supply heat for material removal.
EBM process is always carried out in vacuum (very low pressure) chamber
to avoid collision of electrons with air molecules.
Such collision canundesirably reduce kinetic energy of electrons and
spread them.
LBM does not require vacuum chamber. It can be
carried out in open atmosphere. Sometimes
shielding gas can be applied in machining zone to
avoid high temperature oxidation of machinedsurface.
It is suitable for small components as workpiece is
required to keep within the vacuum chamber.
Workpiece size does not pose any restriction as it
can be carried out in open environment.
EBM process is time consuming mainly due to
creating a low pressure vacuum chamber.
LBM process is time efficient.
X-Ray is generated during EBM process. This
possesses serious health concern to the operator.
No X-Ray is generated in LBM process.
EBM is applicable to electrically conductive
workpiece materials only as workpiece must be
grounded to stay neutral by transmitting striking
electrons to the ground.
LBM is independent of electrical conductivity of
workpiece material. So it can be used for both
conductive and non-conductive materials.
Optical properties of workpiece surface (such asreflectivity, absorptivity, etc.)
don't influence EBM process capability.
LBM process capability relies on the opticalproperties of workpiece surfaçe.
High reflectivity can severely affect process capability.
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