What are the advantages and limitations tidal power generation.

Subject:- Renewable Energy Sources

Topic:- Geothermal Energy

Difficulty:- Medium

1 Answer


  • Energy is freely available & inexhaustible.
  • Power can be used to meet local needs of coastal area and for peak loads.
  • Power is ensured round the year through its operation is intermittent.
  • It is pollution free.
  • It is unaffected by the vagaries of monsoon.

Limitations :

  • It is site specific and the tidal energy can be recovered economically on the locations where the tidal range is 5m or more.
  • The availability of tidal energy is variable thus the power generation is highly fluctuating in nature.
  • Turbines are needed which can operate with fluctuating heads.
  • The marine life and ecology is affected in the region where the tide plants are located . It also affects the navigation system.
  • In order to handle large volume flow rates of tidal water at low heads , tidal plants need to operate with several turbines in parallel.
  • Sea water is corrosive.
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