A pipe 60 mm diameter and 450 m long slopes upwards at 1 in 50 an oil of viscosity $0.9Ns / m^2 $and sp. gr. 0.9 is required to be pumped at the rate of 3 liters/s.

A pipe 60 mm diameter and 450 m long slopes upwards at 1 in 50 an oil of viscosity $0.9Ns / m^2 $and sp. gr. 0.9 is required to be pumped at the rate of 3 liters/s.

(1) Is the flow laminar?

(2) What pressure difference is required to attain this condition?

(3) What is the power of the pump required assuming overall efficiency 65%?

(4) What is the centre line velocity and the velocity gradient at pipe wall?(**)

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