- Multiprocessor Systems refer to the use of multiple processors that execute
instructions simultaneously and communicate using mailboxes and semaphores
- Maximum mode of 8086 is designed to implement3basic multiprocessor
- coprocessor (8087)
- closely coupled (dedeicated I/O processor:8089)
- loosely coupled (Multibus)
- Coprocessors and closely coupled configurations are similar-both the CPU and the
external processor share:
- Memory
- I/O system
- Bus&bus control logic
- Clock generator
Coprocessor Configuration
- WAIT instruction=allows the processor to synchronize itself with
external hardware, eg., waiting for 8087 math co-processor.
- When the CPU executes WAIT=waiting state.
TEST input is asserted (low), the waiting state is completed and
axecution will resume.
ESC instruction: ESC opcode, operand
opcode:immediate value recognizable toacoprocessor as an
instruction opcode
operand: name ofaregister oramemory address (in any mode)
- When the CPU executes the ESC instruction, the processor
accesses the memory operand by placing the address on the address
- If a coprocessor is configured to share the system bus, it will
recognize the ESC instruction and therefore will get the opcode and
the operand.
Control Unit
- Control unit. To synchronize the operation of the
coprocessor and the processer.
- This unit has a Control word and Status word and Data
- If instruction is an ESCape (coprocessor) instruction,
the coprocessor executes it, if not the microprocessor
Numeric Execution Unit
- This performs all operations that access and manipulate the
numeric data in the coprocessor's registers.
- Numeric registers in NUE are 80 bits wide.
- NUE is able to perform arithmetic, logical and transcendental
operations as well as supplyasmall number of mathematical
constants from its on-chip ROM.
- Numeric data is routed into two parts ways
a64 bit mantissa bus and
a16 bit sign/exponent bus.