Write a program to find out largest number in an array.
1 Answer

To find the largest number in an array :-


To find the largest number in an array of data using 8085 instruction set.

Algorithm :-

  1. Load the address of the first element of the array in HL pair

  2. Move the count to B – reg.

  3. Increment the pointer

  4. Get the first data in A – reg.

  5. Decrement the count.

  6. Increment the pointer

  7. Compare the content of memory addressed by HL pair with that of A - reg.

  8. If Carry = 0, go to step 10 or if Carry = 1 go to step 9

  9. Move the content of memory addressed by HL to A – reg.

  10. Decrement the count

  11. Check for Zero of the count. If ZF = 0, go to step 6, or if ZF = 1 go to next step.

  12. Store the largest data in memory.

  13. Terminate the program.

Program :

         LXI H,4200 Set pointer for array
         MOV B,M    Load the Count
         INX H         Set 1st element as largest data
         MOV A,M
         DCR B          Decrements the count

         CMP M           f A- reg > M go to AHEAD
         JNC AHEAD
         MOVA,M   Set the new value as largest

         JNZ LOOP     Repeat comparisons till count = 0
         STA 4300     Store the largest value at 4300

Observation :-

Input: 05 (4200) ----- Array Size

Output: 0A (4201)
            F1 (4202)
           1F (4203)
            26 (4204)
            FE (4205)
            FE (4300)

Result :-

Thus the program to find the largest number in an array of data was executed.

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