List the difference between 8086 & 8088 processor.
1 Answer
written 2.7 years ago by |
The data bus is of 16 bits.20 address lines | The data bus is of 8 bits.20 address lines |
It has 3 available clock speeds (5 MHz, 8MHz (8086-2) and 10 MHz (8086-1)). |
It has 3 available clock speeds 8088(5MHz,) 8088-2(8 MHz) 80C88 (0-8MHZ) |
1 MB memory, 64Kb I/O40 pin DIP | 1 MB memory, 64KB 1/O40pin DIP |
It has memory control pin (M/IO) signal. | It has complemented memory control pin(IO/M) signal of 8086. |
It has Bus High Enable (BHE) signal. | Doesn't required as 8 bit, It has StatusSignal (SSO). |
It can read or write either 8-bit or 16-bit worat the same time. | It can read only 8-bit word at the sametime. |
Minimum mode and Maximum mode | Minimum mode and Maximunm mode |
It has 6 byte instruction queue. | It has 4 byte instruction queue as it can fetch only 1 byte at a time. |