The fiber is coupled to a light source of wavelength 1.5 $\mu m$. Also calculate its acceptance & critical angles.

Subject: Applied Physics 2

Topic: Fiber Optics

Difficulty: Medium

Determine the maximum fractional change in RI & the cladding RI of a single mode fibre of core diameter 8 $\mu m$ & core RI 1.5. The fiber is coupled to a light source of wavelength 1.5 $\mu m$. Also calculate its acceptance & critical angles.

1 Answer

$$ $$ $ Δ = ? \\ \text{diameter d} = 8*10^{-6} m, \\ n_1 =1.5 \\ n_2 = ? \\ λ = 1.5 x10^{-6} m \\ \text{Also, } i_m = ? \\ ϴ c = ?\\ $

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