A grating has 10000 lines/cm & its total width is 5 cm. Calculate for $\lambda$ = 6000$\mathring{A}$ in the 2nd order its RP & the smallest difference in $\lambda$ which can be just resolved.

Subject: Applied Physics 2

Topic: Interference And Diffraction

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

N = 10000 lines/cm, Width W = 5 cm, λ = 6000 Å, n = 2, RP = ?, dλ = ?

Total number of lines on grating are N = 10000x 5 = 50000

RP = nN

RP = 2x 50000

RP = 100000

$\frac{λ}{dλ}$ = RP

100000 = $\frac{6000 \times 10^{-8}}{dλ}$

dλ = 0.06 A°

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