Explain overhauling and self locking of screw.

Subject: Machine Design -I

Topic: Design against static Loads, Bolted and welded joints under eccentric loading. Power Screw

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer

Over hauling:

  • The torque required to lower the load can be given by the equation,


  • It can be seen when $\phi\lt\alpha$ the torque required to lower the load is negative.

  • It indicates a condition that no force is required to lower the load. The load itself will begin to turn the screw and descend down, unless a restraining torque is applied.

  • The condition is called overhauling of the screw. This condition is also called back driving of screw.


  • When $\phi$ is greater than or equal to $\alpha$, a positive torque is required to lower the load.
  • Under this condition, the load will not turn the screw and will not descend on its own unless an effort P is applied.
  • Screw will be self-locking if the co-efficient of friction is equal to or greater than the tangent of the helix angle, the screw is said to be self-locking.

Condition for:

Overhauling $\phi \lt \alpha$
Self-locking $\phi \ge \alpha $
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