Write a short note on Aesthetic consideration in design.

Subject: Machine Design -I

Topic: Machine Design consideration

Difficulty: Medium

1 Answer
  • Each product has a definite purpose. It has to perform specific functions to the satisfaction of customer. The contact between the product and the people arises due to the necessity of this functional requirement.
  • The functional requirement of an automobile car is to carry four passengers at a speed of 60 km/hr. There are people in cities who want to go to their office at a distance of 15 km in 15 minutes.
  • So they purchase a car. It is seen that such functional requirements bring products and people together. However, when there are a number of products in the market having the same qualities of efficiency, durability and cost, the customer is attracted towards the most appealing product.
  • External appearance is an important feature, which not only gives grace to the product but also dominates sale in the market. This is particularly true for consumer durables like automobiles, household appliances and audiovisual equipment.
  • The growing realization of the need of aesthetic considerations in product design has given rise to a separate discipline known as ‘industrial design’.
  • The job of an industrial designer is to create new forms and shapes, which are aesthetically pleasing. The industrial designer has, therefore, become the fashion maker in hardware. Like in fashion, the outward appearance of a product undergoes many changes over the years.
  • There are five basic forms- Step, Stream, Taper, Shear and Sculpture.
  • There is a relationship between functional requirement and appearance of the product. In many cases, functional requirements result in shapes which are aesthetically pleasing.
  • Selection of proper colour is an important consideration in product aesthetics. Many colours are associated with different moods and conditions.
  • Morgan has suggested the meaning of colours that are…

Morgans theory

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