Describe Cartesian and spherical coordinate system. Write down the expression to Convert Cartesian coordinate to spherical coordinate and spherical to Cartesian.

Subject :- Applied Physics 2.

Topic :- Laser.

Difficulty :- Medium.

1 Answer

In 3 Dimension, the coordinate system can be specified by the intersection of three surfaces. Three commonly used right handed orthogonal coordinate systems are-

  1. Cartesian or rectangular coordinate system.

2.Cylindrical or circular coordinate system.

  1. spherical or polar coordinate system.

Cartesian coordinate system: In the cartesian coordinate system all of the three surfaces are planes. The three coordinate axes x,y,and z are mutually perpendicular to each other. In this system, a point P in space is represented by an order triple(x,y,z). These are respectively the distances from the origin to the intersection of a perpendicular dropped from the point P to x,y,z axes as shown in the diagram.the coordinates x,y,and z can be positive or negative.

enter image description here

Spherical coordinate system: In spherical coordinates, the surface are a sphere , a plane and a cone. In this coordinate system a point P in space is represented by an order triple (r,ϴ,ϕ). The first coordinate is a distance, and the second and third coordinates are angles.

enter image description here

The surface which are used to define the spherical coordinate system on three cartesian axes are

(a) Sphere of radius r (or radial distance), origin as the center of the sphere.

(b) A right circular cone with its apex at the origin and its axes as z axis.Its half angle is ϴ (known as polar angle).It rotates about z axis and ϴ varies from 0° to 180°.

(c) A half plane perpendicular to xy plane containing z axis, making an angle ϕ (known as azimuthal angle) with xz plane.

Transformation of cartesian to spherical: (x,y,z) to (r,ϴ,ϕ )

$$ r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^2}\\ \Theta=\tan^{-1}\frac{\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}{z}\\ \Phi=\tan^{-1}\frac{y}{x}$$

Transformation of spherical to cartesian: (r,ϴ,ϕ ) to (x,y,z)

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