Design a DFA to accept

Design a DFA to accept

i.)Binary strings in which every 0 is followed by 11

ii.)Strings over the binary alphabet that do not contain the substring 010

1 Answer

Binary strings in which every 0 is followed by 11

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Strings Tested:

10111 :- States => S-S-A-B-C-C

110111011 :- States => S-S-A-B-C-C-A-B-C

0110111:States=> S-A-B-C-A-B-C-C

Strings over the binary alphabet that do not contain the substring 010

The condition here is that the substring 010 is not permitted, but other combinations such 000,011,001 are permitted.

So we start developing the DFA keeping this fact in mind

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Strings Tested:

10111 :- States => S-A-B-D-D

000000 :- States => S-A-C-D-A-C-D

0111 :- States => S-A-B-D-D

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