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Manpower planning is the process of estimating or projecting the number of personnel required for a project (with different skillsets) over a predefined period of time. Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization.
Most important objectives of manpower planning are:
- Accurate estimates of manpower requirements,
- Inventorying of personnel,
- It may be regarded as establishing objectives to develop human resources in line with broad objectives of the organization.
Accurate Estimates of manpower requirements:
The most important object of manpower planning is to make as far as possible correct estimates of future manpower requirements. The technique of forecasting is very helpful in selecting right type of man for the right type of job. Additional jobs are created by retirement, retrenchment, discharge, demotion and separation etc. Forecasting also helps in minimizing labor costs.
Inventorying of Personnel:
Personnel inventorying is concerned with working details with regard to present employees pertaining to their educational qualifications, professional skill, proficiency in job and training received etc. The main object of preparing the inventory is to know about the number of persons with varied qualifications and skill etc. available in the organization. This is helpful for further expansion and modernization of the concern.
Helpful in Recruitment and Selection:
Human resource or manpower management is immensely helpful in the process of recruitment and selection also. It brings down the recruitment and selection costs by pursuing sound procedures of recruitment and selection.
Achieving and maintaining Production Level:
Manpower planning helps in achieving and maintain production level in an organization. There is reduction in labour turnover, absenteeism and accidents etc. These industrial hazards are properly estimated by manpower management. These estimates in advance are helpful in maintaining desired production levels. Besides the above mentioned objects there are certain other objects of manpower management also. These are bringing about industrial peace and harmony, effective utilization of manpower resources and undertaking programmes for the development of employees.