Prepare histogram based on EST and LST schedule

Following table shows activities, their duration and labour requirements:

Activity A(10-20) B(10-30) C(20-50) D (30-40) E(30-50) F(40-50)
Duration 8 11 6 5 8 5
Labour 3 4 2 5 3 3

Prepare histogram based on EST and LST schedule

Which schedule you will prefer and why?

1 Answer

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$\text{EFR}=\text{Effective force ratio} = \frac{\text{effective work force}}{\text{total work force}}\times 100 = \frac{144}{210}\times 100 = 68.571\%$

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$\text{EFR}=\text{Effective force ratio} = \frac{\text{effective work force}}{\text{total work force}}\times 100 = \frac{147}{231}\times 100 = 63.64\%$

Effective work force ratio is greater in case of EST schedule, therefore it is preferable to use EST schedule

Also as per Burges Least Square Rule;

As per EST Schedule:$\hspace{4cm}$ As per LST Schedule:

$\sum (\text{Labour Requirement}^2) : 1062$ $\hspace{1cm}$ $\sum (\text{Labour Requirement}^2) : 1131$

From Above; it can be concluded that, EST Schedule can be used preferably.

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