Draw approximate hybrid $\pi$ model of CE transistor amplifier and derive expressions for Av, Ai, Zi and Zo.

Mumbai University > Electronics Engineering > Sem 4 > Discrete Electronic Circuits

Marks: 10M

1 Answer

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Hence Hybrid $\pi$ equivalent circuit becomes,

enter image description here

Av(Voltage Gain) :

The output voltage is,

$ V_O= - (ro|| Rc||RL)g_m Vbe$…………………..(1)

The base emitter voltage Vbe, which controls the collector current, Vbe is voltage across Zi, Applying voltage divider rule,

$Vbe=\frac {R1||R2||r\pi}{R_s+R1||R2||r\pi}Vs$

Substituting value of Vbe in equation (1),


This gives voltage gain Rs,



Ai( Current Gain) :

Current Io flows through load resistance RL. Hence applying current divider rule at C,


From Figure 2,


Apply current divider rule at b,




Substitute Vbe in equation (2),



Zi (Input Resistance):



$Vb = Ib r\pi$


$Zi’ = r\pi$

Zi = R1||R2||Zi’


Zo (Output Resistance):

For Output Resistance:

Step 1: Set Vs=0V

Step 2: Open the load.

Step 3: Connect an imaginary voltage source Vs at output terminal

enter image description here

Hence an imaginary voltage source delivers current through parallel combination ro and Rc. Where,$ ro= V_A/ ICQ$

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