Explain Diaphragm walls.
1 Answer

Diaphragm walls are underground structural elements commonly used for retention systems and permanent foundation walls.

Diaphragm walls provide a water tight barrier and are constructed with a minimum back slope subsidence.

They are formed from reinforced concrete and are constructed as normal castin-situ walls panel by panel.

The typical sequence of work includes:

  1. Construct the guide wall

  2. Excavation to form the diaphragm wall trench

  3. Support the trench cutting using bentonite slurry.

  4. Insert reinforcement and placing of concrete to form the wall panel.


As a retention wall

As a cut-off provision to support deep excavation

As the final wall for basement or other underground structure (eg. Tunnel and shaft)

As a separating structure between major underground facilities

As a foundation (barrette pile-rectangular pile).

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