written 7.0 years ago by | • modified 7.0 years ago |
Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 6 > Distributed System
Marks: 5Marks
written 7.0 years ago by | • modified 7.0 years ago |
Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 6 > Distributed System
Marks: 5Marks
written 7.0 years ago by |
When the IT environment is stable or homogenous.
When an organization does not plan to offer it software functionality as services to its customers.
When the scenarios are real-time; this is because SOA relies are loosely coupled asynchronous communication
Some of the challenges faced in SOA adoptions are :
Management of Services Metadata: Services in SOA based environment require exchange of a huge number of messages to complete the tasks. Management of the interactions of such services is a complicated task.
Security: When SOA is used, application-managed security is not suitable. Hence separate technologies and standards have to be followed for this purpose.
Shortage of Skilled Persons: There is a shortage of manpower in integration and construction of services infrastructure as the specification for SOA and Web Services are continuously changing.
Interoperability: Interoperability of SOA-based web services with existing stands is a major challenge. For this basic profiles have been developed to enforce compatibility with existing standards and technologies.
Vendor Hyper: SOA-based product stacks are still under development and testing to suite real world problems.SOA also guarantees reduced IT costs, improved systems agility or faster time co-market only depending on the quality and relevance of the system architecture and design.
Business Service Governance and Auditing: Business services depend on a number of other services. Defining policies and auditing compliance on these complex dynamic relationships is challenging.
Business Service Lifecycle Management: Business services require a collaborative lifecycle management to ensure that consistent information is shared among business peoples, developers and operators.