Intelligent Storage System.
1 Answer

Business-critical applications requires high level of performance, availability, security and scalability.

So, a new breed of storage solutions known as an intelligent storage system has evolved

These systems has an RAID arrays which controls the management, allocation & utilization of storage resources.

These systems has a cache with large amount of memory.

Components of Intelligent storage system

It consist of four component such as


  • It provides the interface between the storage system & the host.

  • It consist of two components front-end ports & front-end controllers.

  • Front-end ports enable hosts to connect to the intelligent storage system

  • Front-end controllers- route data to & from cache via the internal data bus using command queuing algorithm first in first out, seek time optimization and access time optimization


  • This component enhances the I/O performance in an intelligent storage system.

  • It improves storage system performance by isolating hosts from the mechanical delays associated with physical disks.

  • Accessing data from cache takes less than a millisecond.

Back end

  • It provides the interface between cache & physical disks

  • The back end controls data transfers between cache & the physical disks, from cache data is sent to the back end & then routed to the destination disk

  • For high data protection & availability, storage systems, are configured with dual controllers with multiple ports.

Physical disks:

  • It stores data persistently

  • Disks are connected to the back end with either SCSI or FC interface

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