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A Taxonomy of Load-Balancing Algorithms
Load-balancing approach
Load-balancing algorithms
Load-balancing approach:
Type of load-balancing algorithms
Static versus Dynamic:
Static algorithms use only information about the average behavior of the system Static algorithms ignore the current state or load of the nodes in the system Dynamic algorithms collect state information and react to system state if it changed Static algorithms are much more simpler Dynamic algorithms are able to give significantly better performance
Load-balancing approach Type of static load-balancing algorithms
Deterministic versus Probabilistic
Deterministic algorithms use the information about the properties of the nodes and the characteristic of processes to be scheduled Probabilistic algorithms use information of static attributes of the system (e.g. number of nodes, processing capability, topology) to formulate simple process placement rules Deterministic approach is difficult to optimize Probabilistic approach has poor performance
Load-balancing approach Type of dynamic load-balancing algorithms
Centralized versus Distributed
Centralized approach collects information to server node and makes assignment decision Distributed approach contains entities to make decisions on a predefined set of nodes Centralized algorithms can make efficient decisions, have lower fault-tolerance Distributed algorithms avoid the bottleneck of collecting state information and react faster
Load-balancing approach Type of distributed load-balancing algorithms
Cooperative versus Non-cooperative
In Non-cooperative algorithms entities act as autonomous ones and make scheduling decisions independently from other entities
In Cooperative algorithms distributed entities cooperate with each other Cooperative algorithms are more complex and involve larger overhead Stability of Cooperative algorithms are better
Issues in designing Load-balancing algorithms
1 .Load estimation policy:.determines how to estimate the workload of a node
2. Process transfer policy: determines whether to execute a process locally or remote
State information exchange policy: determines how to exchange load information among nodes
Location policy: determines to which node the transferable process should be sent
Priority assignment policy: determines the priority of execution of local and remote processes
Migration limiting policy: determines the total number of times a process can migrate
Load estimation policy I.for Load-balancing algorithms
To balance the workload on all the nodes of the system, it is necessary to decide how to measure the workload of a particular node
Some measurable parameters (with time and node dependent factor) can be the following:
Total number of processes on the node
Resource demands of these processes
Instruction mixes of these processes
Architecture and speed of the node’s processor
Several load-balancing algorithms use the total number of processes to achieve big efficiency
Load estimation policy II.for Load-balancing algorithms
In some cases the true load could vary widely depending on the remaining service time, which can be measured in several way:
Memoryless method assumes that all processes have the same expected remaining service time, independent of the time used so far Past repeats assumes that the remaining service time is equal to the time used so far Distribution method states that if the distribution service times is known, the associated process’s remaining service time is the expected remaining time conditioned by the time already used
Load estimation policy III.for Load-balancing algorithms
None of the previous methods can be used in modern systems because of periodically running processes and daemons An acceptable method for use as the load estimation policy in these systems would be to measure the CPU utilization of the nodes
Central Processing Unit utilization is defined as the number of CPU cycles actually executed per unit of real time
It can be measured by setting up a timer to periodically check the CPU state (idle/busy)
Process transfer policy I.for Load-balancing algorithms
Most of the algorithms use the threshold policy to decide on whether the node is lightly-loaded or heavily-loaded
Threshold value is a limiting value of the workload of node which can be determined by
Static policy: predefined threshold value for each node depending on processing capability
Dynamic policy: threshold value is calculated from average workload and a predefined constant
Below threshold value node accepts processes to execute, above threshold value node tries to transfer processes to a lightly-loaded node Single-threshold policy may lead to unstable algorithm because under loaded node could turn to be overloaded right after a process migration To reduce instability double-threshold policy has been proposed which is also known as high-low policy
Process transfer policy III. for Load-balancing algorithms
Double threshold policy
When node is in overloaded region new local processes are sent to run remotely, requests to accept remote processes are rejected
When node is in normal region new local processes run locally, requests to accept remote processes are rejected
When node is in under loaded region new local processes run locally, requests to accept remote processes are accepted
Location policy I. for Load-balancing algorithms
Threshold method
Policy selects a random node, checks whether the node is able to receive the process, and then transfers the process. If node rejects, another node is selected randomly. This continues until probe limit is reached.
Shortest method
L distinct nodes are chosen at random, each is polled to determine its load. The process is transferred to the node having the minimum value unless its workload value prohibits to accept the process.
Simple improvement is to discontinue probing whenever a node with zero load is encountered.
Location policy II. for Load-balancing algorithms
Bidding method
Nodes contain managers (to send processes) and contractors (to receive processes)
Managers broadcast a request for bid, contractors respond with bids (prices based on capacity of the contractor node) and manager selects the best offer
Winning contractor is notified and asked whether it accepts the process for execution or not
Full autonomy for the nodes regarding scheduling
Big communication overhead
Difficult to decide a good pricing policy
Location policy III. for Load-balancing algorithms
Contrary to the former methods the pairing policy is to reduce the variance of load only between pairs
Each node asks some randomly chosen node to form a pair with it
If it receives a rejection it randomly selects another node and tries to pair again
Two nodes that differ greatly in load are temporarily paired with each other and migration starts
State information exchange policy I. for Load-balancing algorithms
Dynamic policies require frequent exchange of state information, but these extra messages arise two opposite impacts:
Increasing the number of messages gives more accurate scheduling decision
Increasing the number of messages raises the queuing time of messages
State information policies can be the following:
Periodic broadcast
Broadcast when state changes
On-demand exchange
Exchange by polling
State information exchange policy II. for Load-balancing algorithms
Periodic broadcast
Each node broadcasts its state information after the elapse of every T units of time
Problem: heavy traffic, fruitless messages, poor scalability since information exchange is too large for networks having many nodes
Broadcast when state changes
Avoids fruitless messages by broadcasting the state only when a process arrives or departures
Further improvement is to broadcast only when state switches to another region (double-threshold policy)
State information exchange policy III. for Load-balancing algorithms
On-demand exchange
In this method a node broadcast a State-Information-Request message when its state switches from normal to either underloaded or overloaded region.
The pair is broken as soon as the migration is over
A node only tries to find a partner if it has at least two processes
On receiving this message other nodes reply with their own state information to the requesting node
Further improvement can be that only those nodes reply which are useful to the requesting node
Exchange by polling To avoid poor scalability (coming from broadcast messages) the partner node is searched by polling the other nodes on by one, until poll limit is reached