written 7.5 years ago by |
Secure ElectronicTransaction (SET):
The problem on e-payment like credit and debit cards are:
communicate credit and debit card and purchasing data securely to gain consumer trust
Authentication of buyer and merchant
Confidential transmissions
All the Systems vary by
Type of public-key encryption
Type of symmetric encryption
Message digest algorithm
Number of parties having private keys
Number of parties having certificates
3. Secure Electronic Transaction (SET)
SET protcal Developed by Visa and MasterCard .It Designed to protect credit and debit card transactions Confidentiality: all messages encryptedTrust: all parties must have digital certificates Privacy: information made available only when and where necessary
4. Participants in the SET System:
5. SET Business Requirements :
Provide confidentiality of payment and ordering information
Ensure the integrity of all transmitted data
Provide authentication that a cardholder is a legitimate user of a credit or debit card account
Provide authentication that a merchant can accept credit or debit card transactions through its relationship with a financial institution
6. SET Business Requirements :
Ensure the use of the best security practices and system design techniques to protect all legitimate parties in an electronic commerce transaction
Create a protocol that neither depends on transport security mechanisms nor prevents their use
Facilitate and encourage interoperability among software and network providers
7. SET Transactions :
8. SET Transactions :
- The customer opens an account with a card issuer. MasterCard, Visa, etc .
The customer receives a digital certificate signed by a bank.
A merchant who accepts a certain brand of card must possess two digital certificates. – One for signing & one for key exchange
The customer places an order for a product or service with a merchant.
The merchant sends a copy of its certificate for verification.
The customer sends order and payment information to the merchant.
The merchant requests payment authorization from the payment gateway prior to shipment.
The merchant confirms order to the customer.
The merchant provides the goods or service to the customer.
The merchant requests payment from the payment gateway.
10. SET Supported Transactions :
card holder registration
merchant registration
purchase request
payment authorization
payment capture
certificate query
purchase inquiry
purchase notification
sale transaction
authorization reversal
capture reversal
credit / payment reversal
11. Key Technologies of SET:
Confidentiality of information: 3DES
Integrity of data: RSA digital signatures with SHA-1 hash codes
Cardholder account authentication: digital certificates with RSA signatures
Merchant authentication: digital certificates with RSA signatures
Privacy: separation of order and payment information using dual signatures