Write short note : e-Commerce Trade Cycle

Mumbai University > Information Technology > Sem 7 > E–Commerce & E-Business

Marks: 10 M

1 Answer

The e-Commerce Trade Cycle:

  • A trade cycle is the series of exchanges, between a customer and supplier, that take place when a commercial exchange is executed. A general trade cycle consists of:

    Pre-Sales: Finding a supplier and agreeing the terms.

    Execution: Selecting goods and taking delivery.

    Settlement: Invoice (if any) and payment.

    After-Sales: Following up complaints or providing maintenance.

  • For business-to-business transactions the trade cycle typically involves the provision of credit with execution preceding settlement whereas in consumer-to-business these two steps are typically co-incident. The nature of the trade cycle can indicate the e-Commerce technology most suited to the exchange.

  • Commercial transactions that are repeated on a regular basis, such as supermarkets replenishing their shelves, is one category of trade cycle. EDI is the e-Commerce technology appropriate to these exchanges, see Figure 1.

enter image description here

  • Consumer transactions tend to be once-off (or at least vary each time) and payment is made at the time of the order.Internet e-Commerce is the technology for these exchanges, see Figure 2.

enter image description here

  • The third generic trade cycle is the non-repeating commercial trade cycle and Internet e-Commerce or an electronic market is the appropriate e-technology.
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