Compare Client-Side vs Server-Side Programming Languages.
1 Answer
Client-Side Programming Languages Server-Side Programming Languages
Scripts that execute in client side. In context of websites, it is scripts that execute in the browser of the user.Eg: Javascript, VB etc. Scripts that execute in the Server. In context of website, it is scripts that execute on application servers.Eg: PHP, Python, Ruby etc
Interact with temporary storage Interaction with servers/storages and with databases
Sends requests to the server and Retrieval of data from Server It processes the user input and Displays the requested pages
Provides remote access for client server program Encoding of data into HTML
Not database require Querying the database and Operations over databases like delete, update.
here are many client-side scripting languages too. 1.JavaScript 2. VBScript 3. HTML (Structure) 4.CSS (Designing) 5.AJAXjQuery etc. There are several languages that can be used for server-side programming: 1. PHPASP.NET (C# OR Visual Basic) 2. C++ 3. Java 4. JSP 5. PythonRuby on Rails and so on.
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